ROBOGEN UMITRA Advancing to the National Level of the Indonesian Robot Contest KSTI

Robogen Umitra Indonesia
BANDAR LAMPUNG ( - The Robotic Team of Mitra Indonesia University (Umitra Indonesia) prepares to take part in the final round of the Indonesian Robot Dance Contest (KSTI) in 2019 organized by the Directorate of Student Affairs, the Directorate General of Education and Student Affairs, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Education High (Kemenristekdikti).

The Robotic Contest will be held for three days, starting on June 19 and ending on June 23 at Nuswantoro Dian University, Semarang.

Yogi Andeswari, Chairperson of the UMITRA Robogen Team said the team consisted of 8 students of the Faculty of Computer. They are Rizal Andika.S and Galang Andika in programing, Kusnadi and Agung Kurniawan in mechanics, Dicky Pratama and Sandi Paryudha in electrical, artistic Novika Handayani and documentation of Zalwi Randa Ramadhan.

We participated in the Indonesian Dance Robot Robot Contest (KSTI) division to create a robot that has the flexibility in dancing and following accompaniment music rhythms and timeliness to the end point specified, "said Yogi Andeswari, at UMITRA Indonesia campus, Tuesday (6/18).

The UMITRA ROBOGEN Team was accompanied by coaches Khozainuz Zuhri, M.Eng and Irma Hanifah, S.Kom and Adi Ahmad Fauzi., S.Kom as supervisors continued to perfect the ROBOGEN UMITRA in order to perform optimally during the national contest.
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"The weaknesses of ROBOGEN UMITRA during the contest at the Regional level continue to be refined, so that when appearing at national level contests later, our target of at least 3 large can be realized," said Zuhri .

UMITRA Indonesia's Rector, Dr. Ir. Hj. Armalia Reny Madrie., MM, gave full support for the achievements of the Indonesian ROBOGEN UMITRA team so that they could advance to the national robotics contest.

 "I give full support to the UMITRA ROBOGEN team, this shows that UMITRA Indonesian students are able to answer technological challenges," concluded Mother Reny, her nickname. (Heri / rls)
