Voice Sanitation Because It's a Common Affairs

publiklampung.com(Bandar Lampung)-Youth with Sanitation Concern (YSC) together with Way Seputih Conservation Foundation (YKWS) held a sanitation training workshop. With the theme "Student Voice for Sanitation", the training workshop was held at the Grand Praba Hotel, Bandar Lampung, (13-14 / 12).

The two-day sanitation training workshop began on Friday-Saturday (13-14 / 12). Filled by YKWS Executive Director Febrilia Eka Wati, YSC chairman Khorik Istiana, and Duajurai.co Chief Editor Juwendra Asdiansyah.

Febrilia Eka Wati, Executive Director of YKWS, hopes that participants who take part in a sanitation training workshop can become cadres in voicing sanitation as the title of the workshop is Workshop and Training.

"This training is not only journalistic, but also provides knowledge of the importance of sanitation so that participants can become agents promoting sanitation because this is a joint matter," said Juwendra Asdiansyah Editor in Chief Duajurai.co

The same thing was said by YSC chairman Khorik Istiana, it needs to be highlighted by the issue of sanitation so that the public knows, for a good environment.

Editor : Lena
